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Updated: Jun 14, 2019

What do I get with a Global Package?

At a minimum the Global Package covers the concert ticket(s), accommodation, tour souvenirs and transport to the concert venue and back to the hotel based on the number of concert nights you want to attend.

Nothing else is covered so budget accordingly for your flight tickets, travel insurance, transfer to/from hotel and airport, food and spending money.

How much does a Global Package cost?

There are too many variable factors to consider – e.g. type of concert, number of nights, package level, standard of hotel, country, etc. – so there really isn’t a single definitive answer for this. But as a rule of thumb based on my previous experience, the single Economy Package for one night’s concert ticket with 2 days of accommodation in Korea (the most basic of all packages) starts around USD 499 and up. I feel that it’s safe to budget USD 200 per additional concert night, so think in terms of USD 499, USD 699, USD 899 and so on. The better the package (Economy / Superior / Deluxe / Premium) the higher and more expensive the pricing will be and can run into the low 4 digits.

The cost of the package will differ for other foreign countries (because of hotel and currency) so I can’t give you an actual estimate for that. However, based on the trend I’ve observed for recent ElyXiOn packages in Japan and Taiwan, taking up a global package outside of Korea is more expensive than Korea. Expect to budget around USD 899 for just one night of concert / 2 nights of accommodation and add around USD 300 for each additional night to be on the safe side.

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